Devices and Seats


class libinput.device.Device(*args)

An input device.


The system name of the device.

To get the descriptive device name, use name.

Returns:System name of the device.
Return type:str

The descriptive device name as advertised by the kernel and/or the hardware itself.

To get the sysname for this device, use sysname.

Returns:The device name.
Return type:str

The product ID for this device.

Returns:The product ID of this device.
Return type:int

The vendor ID for this device.

Returns:The vendor ID of this device.
Return type:int

The seat associated with this input device, see Seats for details.

A seat can be uniquely identified by the physical and logical seat name. As long as a reference to a seat is kept, it will compare equal to another seat object with the same physical/logical name pair.

Returns:The seat this input device belongs to.
Return type:Seat

Change the logical seat associated with this device by removing the device and adding it to the new seat.

This command is identical to physically unplugging the device, then re-plugging it as a member of the new seat. libinput will generate a DEVICE_REMOVED event and this Device is considered removed from the context; it will not generate further events. A DEVICE_ADDED event is generated with a new Device. It is the caller’s responsibility to update references to the new device accordingly.

If the logical seat name already exists in the device’s physical seat, the device is added to this seat. Otherwise, a new seat is created.


This change applies to this device until removal or suspend(), whichever happens earlier.

Parameters:seat (str) – The new logical seat name.

A udev handle to the device that is this libinput device, if any.

The returned handle has a refcount of at least 1, the caller must call udev_device_unref() once to release the associated resources. See the libudev documentation for details.

Some devices may not have a udev device, or the udev device may be unobtainable. This function returns None if no udev device was available.

Calling this function multiple times for the same device may not return the same udev handle each time.

Returns:A udev handle to the device with a refcount of >= 1 or None if this device is not represented by a udev device.
Return type:int

Update the LEDs on the device, if any.

If the device does not have LEDs, or does not have one or more of the LEDs given in the mask, this method does nothing.

Parameters:leds (Led) – A mask of the LEDs to set, or unset.

A tuple of capabilities this device supports.

Returns:Device capabilities.
Return type:(DeviceCapability)

The physical size of a device in mm, where meaningful.

This property is only valid on devices with the required data, i.e. tablets, touchpads and touchscreens. For other devices this property raises AssertionError.

Returns:(Width, Height) in mm.
Return type:(float, float)

Methods specific to a device with POINTER capability.

Return type:DevicePointer

Methods specific to a device with KEYBOARD capability.

Return type:DeviceKeyboard

Methods specific to a device with TABLET_PAD capability.

Return type:DeviceTabletPad

Device configuration.

Returns:An object providing device configuration methods.
Return type:DeviceConfig
class libinput.device.DevicePointer(*args)

Methods specific to a device with POINTER capability.


Check if this device has a given button.

Parameters:button (int) – Button to check for, see input.h for button definitions.
Returns:True if the device has this button, False if it does not.
Return type:bool
class libinput.device.DeviceKeyboard(*args)

Methods specific to a device with KEYBOARD capability.


Check if a KEYBOARD device has a given key.

Parameters:key (int) – Key to check for, see input.h for key definitions.
Returns:True if the device has this key, False if it does not.
Return type:bool
class libinput.device.DeviceTabletPad(*args)

Methods specific to a device with TABLET_PAD capability.


The number of buttons on a device with the TABLET_PAD capability.

Buttons on a pad device are numbered sequentially, see Tablet pad button numbers for details.

Returns:The number of buttons supported by the device.
Return type:int

The number of rings a device with the TABLET_PAD capability provides.

Returns:The number of rings or 0 if the device has no rings.
Return type:int

The number of strips a device with the TABLET_PAD capability provides.

Returns:The number of strips or 0 if the device has no strips.
Return type:int

Most devices only provide a single mode group, however devices such as the Wacom Cintiq 22HD provide two mode groups.

If multiple mode groups are available, a caller should use has_button(), has_ring() and has_strip() to associate each button, ring and strip with the correct mode group.

Returns:The number of mode groups available on this device.
Return type:int

While a reference is kept by the caller, the returned mode group will compare equal with mode group returned by each subsequent call of this method with the same index and mode group returned from mode_group, provided the event was generated by this mode group.

Parameters:group (int) – A mode group index.
Returns:The mode group with the given index or None if an invalid index is given.
Return type:TabletPadModeGroup


class libinput.device.Seat(hseat, libinput)

A seat has two identifiers, the physical name and the logical name.

A device is always assigned to exactly one seat. It may change to a different logical seat but it cannot change physical seats. See Seats for details.

Two instances of Seat compare equal if they refer to the same physical/logical seat.


The physical name of the seat.

For libinput contexts created from udev, this is always the same value as passed into assign_seat() and all seats from that context will have the same physical name.

The physical name of the seat is one that is usually set by the system or lower levels of the stack. In most cases, this is the base filter for devices - devices assigned to seats outside the current seat will not be available to the caller.

Returns:The physical name of this seat.
Return type:str

The logical name of the seat.

This is an identifier to group sets of devices within the compositor.

Returns:The logical name of this seat.
Return type:str


class libinput.device.DeviceConfig(*args)

A configuration object.


Tapping-related configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigTap

Calibration matrix configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigCalibration

Event sending configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigSendEvents

Pointer acceleration configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigAccel

Scrolling configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigScroll

Left-handed usage configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigLeftHanded

Click method configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigClick

Middle mouse button emulation configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigMiddleEmulation

Disable-while-typing configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigDwt

Rotation configuration methods.

Return type:DeviceConfigRotation
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigTap(*args)

Tapping-related configuration methods.


Check if the device supports tap-to-click and how many fingers can be used for tapping.

See set_enabled() for more information.

Returns:The number of fingers that can generate a tap event, or 0 if the device does not support tapping.
Return type:int

Enable or disable tap-to-click on this device, with a default mapping of 1, 2, 3 finger tap mapping to left, right, middle click, respectively.

Tapping is limited by the number of simultaneous touches supported by the device, see finger_count.

Parameters:state (TapState) – ENABLED to enable tapping or DISABLED to disable tapping.
Returns:A config status code. Disabling tapping on a device that does not support tapping always succeeds.
Return type:ConfigStatus

Check if tap-to-click is enabled on this device.

If the device does not support tapping, this property is always DISABLED.

Returns:Whether tapping is enabled or disabled.
Return type:TapState

The default setting for whether tap-to-click is enabled on this device.

Returns:Whether tapping is enabled or disabled.
Return type:TapState

Set the finger number to button number mapping for tap-to-click.

The default mapping on most devices is to have a 1, 2 and 3 finger tap to map to the left, right and middle button, respectively. A device may permit changing the button mapping but disallow specific maps. In this case UNSUPPORTED is returned, the caller is expected to handle this case correctly.

Changing the button mapping may not take effect immediately, the device may wait until it is in a neutral state before applying any changes.

The mapping may be changed when tap-to-click is disabled. The new mapping takes effect when tap-to-click is enabled in the future.

If finger_count is 0, this method raises AssertionError.

Parameters:button_map (TapButtonMap) – The new finger-to-button number mapping.
Returns:A config status code.
Return type:ConfigStatus

The finger number to button number mapping for tap-to-click.

For devices that do not support tapping (i.e. finger_count is 0), this property raises AssertionError.

Returns:The current finger-to-button number mapping.
Return type:TapButtonMap

The default finger number to button number mapping for tap-to-click.

For devices that do not support tapping (i.e. finger_count is 0), this property raises AssertionError.

Returns:The default finger-to-button number mapping.
Return type:TapButtonMap

Enable or disable tap-and-drag on this device.

When enabled, a single-finger tap immediately followed by a finger down results in a button down event, subsequent finger motion thus triggers a drag. The button is released on finger up. See Tap-and-drag for more details.

Parameters:state (DragState) – ENABLED to enable, DISABLED to disable tap-and-drag.
Returns:Whether this method succeeds.
Return type:ConfigStatus

Whether tap-and-drag is enabled or disabled on this device.

Returns:Whether tap-and-drag is enabled.
Return type:DragState

Whether tap-and-drag is enabled or disabled by default on this device.

Returns:Whether tap-and-drag is enabled by default.
Return type:DragState

Enable or disable drag-lock during tapping on this device.

When enabled, a finger may be lifted and put back on the touchpad within a timeout and the drag process continues. When disabled, lifting the finger during a tap-and-drag will immediately stop the drag. See Tap-and-drag for details.

Enabling drag lock on a device that has tapping disabled is permitted, but has no effect until tapping is enabled.

Parameters:state (DragLockState) – ENABLED to enable drag lock or DISABLED to disable drag lock.
Returns:A config status code. Disabling drag lock on a device that does not support tapping always succeeds.
Return type:ConfigStatus

Check if drag-lock during tapping is enabled on this device.

If the device does not support tapping, this function always returns DISABLED.

Drag lock may be enabled even when tapping is disabled.

Returns:Whether drag lock is enabled.
Return type:DragLockState

Check if drag-lock during tapping is enabled by default on this device.

If the device does not support tapping, this function always returns DISABLED.

Drag lock may be enabled by default even when tapping is disabled by default.

Returns:Whether drag lock is enabled by default.
Return type:DragLockState
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigCalibration(*args)

Calibration matrix configuration methods.


Check if the device can be calibrated via a calibration matrix.

Returns:True if the device can be calibrated, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Apply the 3x3 transformation matrix to absolute device coordinates.

This matrix has no effect on relative events.

Given a 6-element array [a, b, c, d, e, f], the matrix is applied as

[ a  b  c ]   [ x ]
[ d  e  f ] * [ y ]
[ 0  0  1 ]   [ 1 ]

The translation component (c, f) is expected to be normalized to the device coordinate range. For example, the matrix

[ 1 0  1 ]
[ 0 1 -1 ]
[ 0 0  1 ]

moves all coordinates by 1 device-width to the right and 1 device-height up.

The rotation matrix for rotation around the origin is defined as

[ cos(a) -sin(a) 0 ]
[ sin(a)  cos(a) 0 ]
[   0      0     1 ]

Note that any rotation requires an additional translation component to translate the rotated coordinates back into the original device space. The rotation matrixes for 90, 180 and 270 degrees clockwise are:

90 deg cw:              180 deg cw:             270 deg cw:
[ 0 -1 1]               [ -1  0 1]              [  0 1 0 ]
[ 1  0 0]               [  0 -1 1]              [ -1 0 1 ]
[ 0  0 1]               [  0  0 1]              [  0 0 1 ]
Parameters:matrix (iterable) – An array representing the first two rows of a 3x3 matrix as described above.
Returns:A config status code.
Return type:ConfigStatus

The current calibration matrix for this device.

Returns:False if no calibration is set and the returned matrix is the identity matrix, True otherwise. tuple representing the first two rows of a 3x3 matrix as described in set_matrix().
Return type:(bool, (float, float, float, float, float, float))

The default calibration matrix for this device.

On most devices, this is the identity matrix. If the udev property LIBINPUT_CALIBRATION_MATRIX is set on the respective udev device, that property’s value becomes the default matrix, see Static device configuration via udev.

Returns:False if no calibration is set and the returned matrix is the identity matrix, True otherwise. tuple representing the first two rows of a 3x3 matrix as described in config_calibration_set_matrix().
Return type:(bool, (float, float, float, float, float, float))
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigSendEvents(*args)

Event sending configuration methods.


The possible send-event modes for this device.

These modes define when a device may process and send events.

Returns:A bitmask of possible modes.
Return type:SendEventsMode

Set the send-event mode for this device.

The mode defines when the device processes and sends events to the caller.

The selected mode may not take effect immediately. Events already received and processed from this device are unaffected and will be passed to the caller on the next call to get_event().

If the mode is a bitmask of SendEventsMode, the device may wait for or generate events until it is in a neutral state. For example, this may include waiting for or generating button release events.

If the device is already suspended, this function does nothing and returns success. Changing the send-event mode on a device that has been removed is permitted.

Parameters:mode (SendEventsMode) – A bitmask of send-events modes.
Returns:A config status code.
Return type:ConfigStatus

The send-event mode for this device.

The mode defines when the device processes and sends events to the caller.

If a caller enables the bits for multiple modes, some of which are subsets of another mode libinput may drop the bits that are subsets. In other words, don’t expect mode to always be exactly the same bitmask as passed into set_mode().

Returns:The current bitmask of the send-event mode for this device.
Return type:SendEventsMode

The default send-event mode for this device.

The mode defines when the device processes and sends events to the caller.

Returns:The bitmask of the send-event mode for this device.
Return type:SendEventsMode
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigAccel(*args)

Pointer acceleration configuration methods.


Check if a device uses libinput-internal pointer-acceleration.

Returns:False if the device is not accelerated, True if it is accelerated
Return type:bool

Set the pointer acceleration speed of this pointer device within a range of [-1, 1], where 0 is the default acceleration for this device, -1 is the slowest acceleration and 1 is the maximum acceleration available on this device.

The actual pointer acceleration mechanism is implementation-dependent, as is the number of steps available within the range. libinput picks the semantically closest acceleration step if the requested value does not match a discrete setting.

Parameters:speed (float) – The normalized speed, in a range of [-1, 1].
Returns:A config status code.
Return type:ConfigStatus

The current pointer acceleration setting for this pointer device.

The returned value is normalized to a range of [-1, 1]. See set_speed() for details.

Returns:The current speed, range -1 to 1.
Return type:float

The default speed setting for this device, normalized to a range of [-1, 1].

See set_speed() for details.

Returns:The default speed setting for this device.
Return type:float

A bitmask of the configurable acceleration modes available on this device.

Returns:A bitmask of all configurable modes available on this device.
Return type:AccelProfile

Set the pointer acceleration profile of this pointer device to the given mode.

  • profile (AccelProfile) – The mode to set
  • device to. (the) –

A config status code.

Return type:



The current pointer acceleration profile for this pointer device.

Returns:The currently configured pointer acceleration profile.
Return type:AccelProfile

The default pointer acceleration profile for this pointer device.

Returns:The default acceleration profile for this device.
Return type:AccelProfile
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigScroll(*args)

Scrolling configuration methods.


True if the device supports “natural scrolling”.

In traditional scroll mode, the movement of fingers on a touchpad when scrolling matches the movement of the scroll bars. When the fingers move down, the scroll bar moves down, a line of text on the screen moves towards the upper end of the screen. This also matches scroll wheels on mice (wheel down, content moves up).

Natural scrolling is the term coined by Apple for inverted scrolling. In this mode, the effect of scrolling movement of fingers on a touchpad resemble physical manipulation of paper. When the fingers move down, a line of text on the screen moves down (scrollbars move up). This is the opposite of scroll wheels on mice.

A device supporting natural scrolling can be switched between traditional scroll mode and natural scroll mode.

Returns:False if natural scrolling is not supported, True if natural scrolling is supported by this device.
Return type:bool

Enable or disable natural scrolling on the device.

Parameters:enable (bool) – True to enable, False to disable natural scrolling.
Returns:A config status code.
Return type:ConfigStatus

The current mode for scrolling on this device.

Returns:False if natural scrolling is disabled, True if enabled.
Return type:bool

The default mode for scrolling on this device.

Returns:False if natural scrolling is disabled by default, True if enabled.
Return type:bool

Check which scroll methods a device supports.

The method defines when to generate scroll axis events instead of pointer motion events.

Returns:A bitmask of possible methods.
Return type:ScrollMethod

Set the scroll method for this device.

The method defines when to generate scroll axis events instead of pointer motion events.


Setting ON_BUTTON_DOWN enables the scroll method, but scrolling is only activated when the configured button is held down. If no button is set, i.e. button is 0, scrolling cannot activate.

Parameters:method (ScrollMethod) – The scroll method for this device.
Returns:A config status code.
Return type:ConfigStatus

The scroll method for this device.

The method defines when to generate scroll axis events instead of pointer motion events.

Returns:The current scroll method for this device.
Return type:ScrollMethod

The default scroll method for this device.

The method defines when to generate scroll axis events instead of pointer motion events.

Returns:The default scroll method for this device.
Return type:ScrollMethod

Set the button for the ON_BUTTON_DOWN method for this device.

When the current scroll method is set to ON_BUTTON_DOWN, no button press/release events will be send for the configured button.

When the configured button is pressed, any motion events along a scroll-capable axis are turned into scroll axis events.


Setting the button does not change the scroll method. To change the scroll method call set_method(). If the button is 0, button scrolling is effectively disabled.

Parameters:button (int) – The button which when pressed switches to sending scroll events.
Returns:A config status code.
Return type:ConfigStatus

The button for the ON_BUTTON_DOWN method for this device.

If ON_BUTTON_DOWN scroll method is not supported, or no button is set, this property is 0.


The return value is independent of the currently selected scroll-method. For button scrolling to activate, a device must have the ON_BUTTON_DOWN method enabled, and a non-zero button set as scroll button.

Returns:The button which when pressed switches to sending scroll events.
Return type:int

The default button for the ON_BUTTON_DOWN method for this device.

If ON_BUTTON_DOWN scroll method is not supported, or no default button is set, this property is 0.

Returns:The default button for the ON_BUTTON_DOWN method.
Return type:int
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigLeftHanded(*args)

Left-handed usage configuration methods.


Check if a device has a configuration that supports left-handed usage.

Returns:True if the device can be set to left-handed, or False otherwise
Return type:bool

Set the left-handed configuration of the device.

The exact behavior is device-dependent. On a mouse and most pointing devices, left and right buttons are swapped but the middle button is unmodified. On a touchpad, physical buttons (if present) are swapped. On a clickpad, the top and bottom software-emulated buttons are swapped where present, the main area of the touchpad remains a left button. Tapping and clickfinger behavior is not affected by this setting.

Changing the left-handed configuration of a device may not take effect until all buttons have been logically released.

  • enable (bool) – False to disable, True to enable
  • mode. (left-handed) –

A configuration status code.

Return type:



The current left-handed configuration of the device.

Returns:False if the device is in right-handed mode, True if the device is in left-handed mode.
Return type:bool

The default left-handed configuration of the device.

Returns:False if the device is in right-handed mode by default, or True if the device is in left-handed mode by default.
Return type:bool
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigClick(*args)

Click method configuration methods.


Check which button click methods a device supports.

The button click method defines when to generate software-emulated buttons, usually on a device that does not have a specific physical button available.

Returns:A bitmask of possible methods.
Return type:ClickMethod

Set the button click method for this device.

The button click method defines when to generate software-emulated buttons, usually on a device that does not have a specific physical button available.


The selected click method may not take effect immediately. The device may require changing to a neutral state first before activating the new method.

Parameters:method (ClickMethod) – The button click method.
Returns:A config status code.
Return type:ConfigStatus

The button click method for this device.

The button click method defines when to generate software-emulated buttons, usually on a device that does not have a specific physical button available.

Returns:The current button click method for this device.
Return type:ClickMethod

The default button click method for this device.

The button click method defines when to generate software-emulated buttons, usually on a device that does not have a specific physical button available.

Returns:The default button click method for this device.
Return type:ClickMethod
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigMiddleEmulation(*args)

Middle mouse button emulation configuration methods.


Check if middle mouse button emulation configuration is available on this device.

See Middle button emulation for details.


Some devices provide middle mouse button emulation but do not allow enabling/disabling that emulation. These devices return False in is_available.

Returns:True if middle mouse button emulation is available and can be configured, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Enable or disable middle button emulation on this device.

When enabled, a simultaneous press of the left and right button generates a middle mouse button event. Releasing the buttons generates a middle mouse button release, the left and right button events are discarded otherwise.

See Middle button emulation for details.

Parameters:state (MiddleEmulationState) – DISABLED to disable, ENABLED to enable middle button emulation.
Returns:A config status code. Disabling middle button emulation on a device that does not support middle button emulation always succeeds.
Return type:ConfigStatus

Check if configurable middle button emulation is enabled on this device.

See Middle button emulation for details.

If the device does not have configurable middle button emulation, this method returns DISABLED.


Some devices provide middle mouse button emulation but do not allow enabling/disabling that emulation. These devices always return DISABLED.

Returns:DISABLED if disabled or not available/configurable, ENABLED if enabled.
Return type:MiddleEmulationState

Check if configurable middle button emulation is enabled by default on this device.

See Middle button emulation for details.

If the device does not have configurable middle button emulation, this method returns DISABLED.


Some devices provide middle mouse button emulation but do not allow enabling/disabling that emulation. These devices always return DISABLED.

Returns:DISABLED if disabled or not available, ENABLED if enabled.
Return type:MiddleEmulationState
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigDwt(*args)

Disable-while-typing configuration methods.


Check if this device supports configurable disable-while-typing feature.

This feature is usually available on built-in touchpads and disables the touchpad while typing. See Disable-while-typing for details.

Returns:False if this device does not support disable-while-typing, or True otherwise.
Return type:bool

Enable or disable the disable-while-typing feature.

When enabled, the device will be disabled while typing and for a short period after. See Disable-while-typing for details.


Enabling or disabling disable-while-typing may not take effect immediately.

Parameters:state (DwtState) – DISABLED to disable disable-while-typing, ENABLED to enable.
Returns:A config status code. Disabling disable-while-typing on a device that does not support the feature always succeeds.
Return type:ConfigStatus

Check if the disable-while typing feature is currently enabled on this device.

If the device does not support disable-while-typing, this property is DISABLED.

Returns:DISABLED if disabled, ENABLED if enabled.
Return type:DwtState

Check if the disable-while typing feature is enabled on this device by default.

If the device does not support disable-while-typing, this property is DISABLED.

Returns:DISABLED if disabled, ENABLED if enabled.
Return type:DwtState
class libinput.device.DeviceConfigRotation(*args)

Rotation configuration methods.


Check whether a device can have a custom rotation applied.

Returns:True if a device can be rotated, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Set the rotation of a device in degrees clockwise off the logical neutral position.

Any subsequent motion events are adjusted according to the given angle.

The angle has to be in the range of [0, 360] degrees, otherwise this method returns INVALID. If the angle is a multiple of 360 or negative, the caller must ensure the correct ranging before calling this method.

libinput guarantees that this method accepts multiples of 90 degrees. If a value is within the [0, 360] range but not a multiple of 90 degrees, this method may return INVALID if the underlying device or implementation does not support finer-grained rotation angles.

The rotation angle is applied to all motion events emitted by the device. Thus, rotating the device also changes the angle required or presented by scrolling, gestures, etc.

Parameters:degrees_cw (int) – The angle in degrees clockwise.
Returns:A config status code. Setting a rotation of 0 degrees on a device that does not support rotation always succeeds.
Return type:ConfigStatus

The current rotation of a device in degrees clockwise off the logical neutral position.

If this device does not support rotation, the return value is always 0.

Returns:The angle in degrees clockwise.
Return type:int

The default rotation of a device in degrees clockwise off the logical neutral position.

If this device does not support rotation, the return value is always 0.

Returns:The default angle in degrees clockwise.
Return type:int